The GIAP’s mandate is to prevent the transmission of HIV, HCV and other STBBIs and to reduce the harms associated with drug use and street life among marginalized and vulnerable youth.
The activities put on by the GIAP are relevant and peer support workers are present daily in the program’s partner organizations. Their interactions with both youth and outreach workers allow them to understand the reality on the ground.

The Festival d’expression de la rue (FER)
The Festival d’expression de la rue is a platform for expression that aims to prevent STBBIs and to fight prejudice and exclusion.
STBBI Quiz ITSS / Prevention “Twister”
Developed specifically for youth, this activity can be useful to those who are interested in learning more about sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections (STBBIs).
The quiz aims to provide participants with greater knowledge about different STBBIs, modes of transmission, risks and methods of protection..
The quiz can be administered on its own, or by using the “Twister” game for added fun.
This activity recreates the atmosphere of a party. The activity allows people to learn more about drugs based on their own substance use habits. To do this, fake drugs are laid out on a table and questions are asked about each one about theirs effects, drug combinations that should be avoided, effect duration, etc.
To raise participants’ awareness about safer sex, the activity also includes a quiz on the different types of condoms available, their characteristics as well as how to properly use them.
Button Workshop
This workshop aims to teach participants new skills while bolstering their creativity by making button(s).
The activity lends itself well to different themes, such as the fight against homophobia, anti-racism, or the prevention of substance abuse.
The activity offers a context that is conducive to fostering links and addressing sensitive topics, such as sexuality and the prevention of STBBIs.
SEXEprimer Workshop
The workshop takes the form of a discussion about sexuality and STBBI prevention from a respect standpoint—both for oneself and one’s partner(s). The workshop is designed for a small group of 5 or 6 youth. A few big questions are asked by the peer support workers to foster discussion (e.g., What do you think sexuality is? In your opinion, are there things concerning sex that aren’t talked about?) Since participants may have different concerns, the content of the workshop may vary from group to group.
The workshop is approximately 75 minutes long (depending on the group).
Cooking Workshop
This workshop aims to increase participants’ cooking skills, autonomy and ability to care for themselves. With food distributed by the food banks, peer support workers pair up with participants in order to cook up a simple, healthy and inexpensive menu that can easily be replicated afterwards.
The workshop also provides an opportunity to talk about the importance of hygiene when cooking.
The group meal after the workshop allows participants to talk about what they have learned and to discuss various health-related topics. The group must be composed of a maximum of 8 youth for the workshop to take place. In order to host the workshop, the organization or group must: have a kitchen large enough to accommodate 10 people; possess basic cooking equipment and tools; and have access to donations from a food bank. This workshop lasts 3.5 hours.
How to Organize or Take Part in an Activity
To take part in the activities offered by the GIAP, simply call 514 847-0067, Ext. 301 or fill out the contact form on our website.