CACTUS Montréal is a community-based harm reduction organization that has been active since 1989 in the prevention of sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections (STBBIs) in downtown Montreal
Our services

Injection and inhalation equipment, Naloxone
Find out how to get sterile equipment and how to dispose of used gear

Supervised Consumption Sites
Find safe and supervised places for people who inject and inhale drugs

Drug Testing
A safe, anonymous and confidential place to test psychoactive substances

STBBI Testing
Get useful information and resources about sexually transmitted and bloodborne infection screening
Support for people who use drugs
Helpful support, activities and resources for people who inhale or inject drugs.
Youth Support
Accompaniment services, activities such as the Festival d’expression de la rue, information and resources by and for marginalized youth.
Trans Support
Accompaniment services, support activities, events, information and helpful resources for trans people, by trans people.
Our Programs
The different CACTUS programs offer prevention, awareness and education services and activities for at-risk populations.

Your donations help support CACTUS Montréal’s mission and help us reach more people every year.