Once a year, all CACTUS Montréal members meet to partake in the democratic life of the organization. The annual general meeting is a chance to network and have fun with other members, but also to:
- Elect new Board of Directors members;
- Talk about the financial standing of the organization;
- Review the previous year’s activities;
- Discover the projects planned for the coming year;
- Ask questions and propose which direction the organization should take;
- Vote on other resolutions if necessary.
Take Part in the AGM
To attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), you must be a member of CACTUS Montreal or sign up to become one.
Notice of the meeting, including all relevant information, will be sent to each member at their last known email address (or by mail) 14 days prior to the AGM. The agenda and minutes of the previous year’s AGM will also be sent along with the notice.