Street Work
Street workers guide, support and defend the rights of marginalized people beyond the CACTUS Montréal offices.

A peer support program that promotes the health and well-being of the trans population and provides outreach interventions, support and accompaniment.

Street Messengers
The street messengers canvas central Montreal neighbourhoods to distribute free prevention supplies and recover used equipment to ensure its safe disposal.

Fixed site-SCS
A facility offering a prevention equipment distribution program, an equipment disposal service as well as a supervised consumption site. Outreach interventions, referrals and medical consultations are also offered.

Called the GIAP, CACTUS Montréal’s youth program provides peer outreach to youth aged 14 to 30 at risk of homelessness or sub-stance abuse.

HCV Project
The HCV Project is a support program for people seeking to initiate hepatitis C treatment and has been offered as part of our services since 2016.

The PLAISIIRS program offers a supportive environment that pro-motes the social involvement of people who inhale or inject drugs.

The Checkpoint project provides free, anonymous, confidential and instant analysis of psychoactive substances.