Our services are offered in French, English and Spanish. Our work is informed by a harm reduction and non-judgmental perspective. We strive to respect individual autonomy in lifestyle and bodily choices while ensuring that we provide the resources and support required to make informed choices.

Discover group activities, events, and opportunities to meet and interact with other trans people. We’re waiting for you!

Get the support of our advocacy group to exercise your rights no matter your need. We will stand by your side to help you achieve your goals.

Accompaniment Services
Find help, resources and understanding people to help you achieve your goals.

Resources and references
Check out our list of resources and references to find the help, in-formation or services you are looking for.
Our meetings are held at 1300 Sanguinet Street in a wheelchair accessible room on the ground floor. The site is close to the Berri-UQAM metro station as well as several bus routes. Dates will be announced on Facebook and Instagram.
We provide free metro and bus tickets to those who come see us. If you have specific transportation needs, please let us know. We can also visit you! We make regular home visits in the greater Montreal area.
Multilingual Services
Our staff members are fluent in French, English and Spanish. The resources and documentation we offer are available in both French and English, with some also being available in other languages.
Services for the Deaf and Hearing impaired people
We use a variety of communication methods, including online chatting. If necessary, we can also arrange for LSQ/ASL interpretation.
Free Services and Events
All our services and events are either free or pay what you can unless otherwise noted. We welcome everyone regardless of income or immigration status.