Operating out of the CACTUS Montréal office, PLAISIIRS is a meeting place where people who use drugs can work on common projects together, but it is also—and above all!—a program that relies on popular education and community involvement to improve the quality of life of participants.
Inclusion and Empowerment
At PLAISIIRS, people who use drugs are fully recognized as members of society. By encouraging them to involve themselves in their community, the program seeks to develop their empowerment and civic awareness.
Each week, participants get together to collectively establish the event schedule. The activities offered emphasize social involvement and the importance of self-care.
Our History
PLAISIIRS got its start in 2006. At the beginning, the program was called COCUS (Consommateurs d’opiacés et de cocaïnomanes unis et solidaires); it was made up of a group of Cactus Montréal fixed site-SCS users who wanted to get more involved.
Over the years, PLAISIIRS has grown and has become a supportive environment that promotes social involvement. The program is still centered around the COCUS group (meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m.).